MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS (March 13 - 16) - parents and students who signed up for the different field trips need to make the final payments with Ms.Belgica in the Finance Office.
Due date was Friday, January 27.
AP EXAMS (grades 10 - 12) - The time has come to order AP exams. The school needs confirmation on whether your child will take the AP exam(s) or not. A letter was sent home on Monday, January 23. If we do not get confirmation from you by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, we will understand that your child WILL NOT take the AP exam(s).
AASCA MATHCOUNTS – 16 middle school students will be representing the school in a competition taking place in El Salvador from February 2 - 5. There will be 24 schools from Central America participating in this event. Ms. Regina has been training with them for the past months. We wish them good luck!
AASCA MUSIC FESTIVAL – Our school choir and jazz band will be traveling to Costa Rica to represent the school on February 7 – 12. We also wish them the best!
VALENTINE’S DAY BALL - The Senior class will be hosting the Valentine’s Day Ball on Friday, February 17 from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. The entrance fee is Lps. 100. Drinks and food will be available for sale. Grades 5 and up are invited.
ABSH LANGUAGE ARTS FESTIVAL – February 17 – 18 in La Ceiba Bilingual School (La Ceiba)
ABSH SCIENCE FAIR – February 24 – 25 in DelCampo International School (Tegucigalpa)