Help for Children with Failing Grades
As a parent who wants your child to be successful, it's often frustrating when your child receives failing grades. However, there are ways you can help correct this problem. Keep reading to learn some tips to help your child recover from and avoid failing grades.
Tips to Help with Failing Grades
Avoid Absences
Absences are not always avoidable, but try your best to keep them to a minimum. In school, children typically learn new material each day, and that material usually builds on itself. Missing days can cause your child to fall behind and lead to confusion in the classroom, which results in failing grades. When an absence is beyond your control, try to get the work and lesson material from the teacher so you can go over it with your child at home.Check for Homework Completion
Not turning in homework can play a big role in poor grades. Missing work is often recorded as a zero in the grade book. Not completing homework is also a problem because it usually provides the necessary practice to help students learn and apply the information or skills. Furthermore, the assignments usually prepare your child for future exams and class work. Therefore, be sure to communicate with teachers about the work being sent home and make sure your child is completing it properly.Help with Studying
Besides completing homework, children with failing grades must also take the time to study. Study habits and skills are sometimes not taught in school, so students don't take the time to review the material they've learned at home. In light of this, you'll need to show your child how to study and set up a schedule so he or she doing it consistently.Bedtime
Without proper rest at night, it's hard for the mind to focus and process information effectively. When your child doesn't get enough sleep, his or her grades may be negatively affected. Thus, it is important to get your child to bed at a reasonable hour. When children are well rested, they tend to be able to concentrate better and have a better chance at understanding the information presented at school. With better understanding, your child will have the opportunity to improve his or her grades.Ask for Extra Credit
Like parents, teachers don't want their students to fail. Therefore, they are usually more than happy to provide extra credit work. Getting the extra work will help your child in two ways. First, it will help raise his or her grades. Second, it will provide more practice on the material.Taken from:
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